This Week on StakeCube, 7th of May 2021

General News StakeCube in Numbers This week has seen tremendous growth on most fronts, showcasing StakeCube’s recent exponential trend. Most indicators have increased by more than 20%, with over 2000…

This Week on StakeCube, 30th of April 2021

General News Weekly Newsletter We realize how important it is for users to get an idea of what’s going on behind the scenes. However it can be challenging to find…

New Rules for the Coin Voting System

After taking a closer look at the voting system we have decided to introduce a few basic changes. We have observed that most votes are cast by projects trying to…

PRiVCY 2.0 Swap

The PRiVCY team has shared with us that their project will be performing a swap to a new codebase. StakeCube will support this swap and will take a very active…

How to Connect Discord to Twitter to be Eligible for Earndrops

At StakeCube we will be organizing earndrops to help us grow our brand and reach new customers. If you participate, you can make some money simply by retweeting the tweets…

Wallet Update: RPD

Coin Rapids $RPD Version (previous: Protocol 70916 GitHub-Source Changelog Not available Notes This mandatory release contains supply reduction hardfork which will occur afrer block 1286000. Make sure…

Wallet Update: VITAE

Coin Vitae $VITAE Version (previous: Protocol 71026 GitHub-Source Changelog Not available Notes This is a new optional release for all wallets, masternodes and fundamentalnodes. It contains some…

MineCube v3 Update

Soon after the release of MineCube, we were forced to add a limit of 10 worker purchases per day to all users. We did it so that our limited availability…

Why did my order not execute or was only partially filled?

Most likely, you created a limit order instead of a market order and your order is just waiting in the order book. To understand what’s happening exactly, let’s see how…

Wallet Update: SCC

Coin StakeCubeCoin $SCC Version (previous: Protocol 70218 GitHub-Source Changelog Not available Notes SCC Core v3.1.0 is a recommended upgrade for users / exchanges / MN hosting services.…