StakeCube Protocol NFTs FAQ

These are some of the most common things regarding NFTs and the NFT marketplace. What is an NFT? An NFT is a digital asset often linked to a digital or…

How to Connect Discord to Twitter to be Eligible for Earndrops

At StakeCube we will be organizing earndrops to help us grow our brand and reach new customers. If you participate, you can make some money simply by retweeting the tweets…

Why did my order not execute or was only partially filled?

Most likely, you created a limit order instead of a market order and your order is just waiting in the order book. To understand what’s happening exactly, let’s see how…

FAQ – Mine With Software Towards Webminer Pool

Download and configure XMRig from MoneroOcean Before we begin it is important that you read the following safety warning: Mining uses your CPU. All miners can generate a large amount…

FAQ – Webminer on StakeCube

StakeCube Webminer Before we begin it is important that you read the following safety warning: Webmining uses your CPU. All miners can generate a large amount of heat which can…

FAQ – NodeCube Cold Hosting

What is “NodeCube” Cold-Node hosting? The Cold-Node setup option allows you to host cold masternode(s) for supported coins. StakeCube hosts, maintains and updates the masternode(s) but you keep the coins/collateral…

FAQ – StakeCube AML Policy

Anti-money laundering (AML) is a broad term for laws and regulations put in place to prevent criminals from making money illegally or moving illicit funds. While many illegal activities are…

FAQ – How to Register your StakeCubeCoin v3.x Masternode for the Bonus Program

Registering your SCC v3.x Masternode for the Bonus Program In this article, we will guide you through the necessary steps to register your SCC masternode for the bonus program. All…

FAQ – How to install the Desktop Wallet for StakeCubeCoin core 3.0.1

Desktop Wallet Download Warning: Never download the SCC QT wallet from links other than those provided in this guide. You can download the wallet from or from the link…

FAQ – What are Anti Money Laundering (AML) Policies

Anti Money Laundering Policies Anti-money laundering (AML) policies are laws, regulations and procedures brought forth in order to prevent the laundering of money. Money laundering is the process of transforming…