FAQ – How Does the Affiliate Program Work?

How to Earn by Recruiting People to the Platform and your Team.

To earn an extra income you can invite people to StakeCube with your referral link. This way they will join your team and pay contributions directly to you. You can see how to do this in this FAQ article.

Your team members will contribute to you a proportion of the fees they pay to the platform, and of the interest they earn on interest coins (DASH, BTC, LTC, DOGE). The base rates are 20% of the staking and masternode fees that they pay and 25% of the interest they earn. Let’s look at it in more detail.

Stakes and Masternode Rewards

StakeCube takes a 4% fee from all stakes and shared masternode rewards. SCC is exempt from this fee. Of that 4%, 20% will go to you, if the user joined StakeCube with your referral link. Here’s an example:

Team member A gets stakes and shared masternode rewards in Coin X last month worth 1000$.
StakeCube takes a 4% fee which is 40$. You earn 20% of the fee which is 8$. (1000$ * 0.04 = 40$ * 0.2 = 8$)

In this example, you would have earned 8$ last month from inviting this person to the platform. But that is just with the base rates, you can boost your earning by joining the StakeCube bonus program. This will give you an additional 10% on the affiliate fee contribution. Let’s look at the example again but with a full bonus of 10%.

Team member A gets stakes and shared masternode rewards in Coin X last month worth 1000$.
StakeCube takes a 4% fee which is 40$. You earn 30% of the fee which is 12$. (1000$ * 0.04 = 40$ * 0.3 = 12$)

In other words, you can boost your affiliate income by up to 50% by joining the bonus program. That was an example with just one user, but you can invite as many as you’d like. Check out team member B.

Team member B gets stakes and shared masternode rewards in Coin Y last month worth 7500$.
StakeCube takes a 4% fee which is 300$. You earn 30% of the fee which is 90$. (7500$ * 0.04 = 300$ * 0.3 = 90$)

If we add the contributions from team members A and B you would have earned 102$ last month in affiliate rewards just by sharing your invite link.

Income from Interest Coins

As said before you will earn 25% of the interest your affiliates generate. This has the potential to be a pretty decent amount of money in the long run. Let us look at two calculation examples.

  1. Team member C has deposited 1 BTC to his account. He will earn 0.02% in daily interest which is 0.0002 BTC. You will then earn 25% of that number which is 0.00005 BTC daily. At the time of writing that is 0.57$/day in extra income. ( about 208$/year without compounding)
  2. Team member D has deposited 5 BTC to her account. She has joined the full bonus program and earns 0.03% in daily interest which is 0.0015 BTC. You will then earn 25% of that number which is 0.000375 BTC daily. At the time of writing that is 4.3$/day in extra income. ( about 1570$/year without compounding)

Just by inviting a friend, family member, or coworker you could earn a considerable passive income. The numbers add up quickly, so make sure to invite as many people as you can and enjoy the daily contributions.