Wallet Update: ONION

Coin DeepOnion $ONION Version (previous: GitHub-Source https://github.com/deeponion/deeponion Changelog https://github.com/deeponion/deeponion/releases/tag/v2.2.0 Notes Version 2.2.0 is a mandatory upgrade in preparation of the incoming segwit activation. So everyone is required to…

PENG to HCC Swap

We would like to inform you that PENG will swap to HCC. More info: https://discord.gg/MgZGPADeuw (Discord “announcements” channel) As always and whenever possible stakecube.net will support the swap. Please note…


We would like to inform you that STRAT will swap to STRAX. More info: https://www.stratisplatform.com/2020/10/15/strax-token-swap/ As always and whenever possible stakecube.net will support the swap. Please note the following deadlines:…

StakeCubeCoin Interest enabled

We are happy to inform you that we have activated the Interest App for StakeCubeCoin, with the following conditions: First interest payment: Sunday 25th October 2020 Payout interval: Daily, random…

StakeCubeCoin: Stats Page now available

We are happy to announce the release of our StakeCubeCoin Blockchain-Stats page The first live widgets are available and will be expanded over time so that you have all important…

StakeCubeCoin: Web-Wallet now available

SCC Explorer was updated with a new Web-Wallet feature powered by ccore.online. You can create a wallet, receive and send $SCC without downloading the full chain. Direct-Link: https://scc.ccore.online/web_wallet Please note the…

StakeCube Credit System live

In preparation for stakecube.net v3, we have released our new credit system today. You can find it here: https://stakecube.net/app/account/credits (Account -> Credits) Find next a small FAQ: What are StakeCube…

Ethereum listed on stakecube.net

Ethereum is now available on stakecube.net. Please note the following exceptions and infos for ETH: The minimum withdrawal amount is lot higher compared to the other coins and is currently…

Account Security

Please note the following information and advice regarding your (account) security: The stakecube.net Team will never contact you first never ask you to send any coins never ask for remote…

Wallet Update: SCC

Coin StakeCube Coin $SCC Version (previous: GitHub-Source https://github.com/stakecube/StakeCubeCoin Changelog Notable changes Enable payee validation at block 10,000 Improve EvoDB stability Add checkpoints for sync Minor GUI fix for…