Wallet Update: LTC 0.18.1

Coin Litecoin $LTC Version 0.18.1 (previous: 0.17.1) GitHub-Source https://github.com/litecoin-project/litecoin Changelog Notable changes Mining Calls to getblocktemplate will fail if the segwit rule is not specified. Calling getblocktemplate without segwit specified is almost certainly a…

Wallet Update: BTC

Coin Bitcoin $BTC Version v0.20.1.0 (previous: v0.18.0.0) Protocol 70815 GitHub-Source https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin Changelog https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/release-notes/release-notes-0.20.1.md Notes Changes regarding misbehaving peers Peers that misbehave (e.g. send us invalid blocks) are now referred to…

Wallet Update: XP

Coin eXperience Points $XP Version v3.4.0.3 (previous: v3.4.0.1) GitHub-Source https://github.com/experience-points-development/eXperience-Points/tree/3.4 Changelog not available Notes This is not a protocol changing upgrade. Upgrading is not required. This will be the last…

Wallet Update: BLOCK 4.3.1

Coin Blocknet $BLOCK Version v4.3.1 (previous: v4.3.0) GitHub-Source https://github.com/blocknetdx/blocknet Changelog not available Notes This release includes improvements to partial orders as well as UI updates including Coin Control tree view,…